Announcement of Baba Hardev Singh ji Maharaj 2009 California visit was the most cherished moment for Tracy Sadh Sangat. Every saint was turbo charged and start working for His Holiness visit preparation. Sewa Dal worked tirelessly day and night to make everything ready for HH visit.
Baba Ji Arrival at SFO (San Francisco Intl. Airport):
Baba ji arrived at San Francisco Intl. airport on Sep 10th.
Baba ji and Mata ji welcomed by Rev. Dr. I. S. Rai ji (SNM USA President) and Rev. Dev Raj Vijh ji (Northern California Sangat Pramukh).
Baba Ji Arrival in Tracy, CA (Sep 10th, 2009):

His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh ji Maharaj, was welcomed at Tracy by Sadh Sangat. Sewa Dal band and young kids group, leads the arrival parade with banner and flags in their hands.Youth members performed a Bangra Dance in front of Baba ji and Mata ji. Several devotees also danced in front of Baba ji. Later Baba ji gave welcome speech inside the main Sangat hall. Namaskar started after Baba ji speech. Every devotee got chance to meet and greet Baba ji in person. It was a precious moment for every devotee to receive blessings from Baba ji in person.
Youths performing Bangra Dance in the welcome ceremony of Baba ji and Mata ji.
Babaji's Discourse (at Tracy Bhawan):
Media Coverage for Baba ji Samagam:
Humanity only religion in the world: Nirankari Baba
TRACY, CA: "To love all and hate none" were the words spoken by Nirankari Baba Hardev Singh Ji at a huge congregation held in Tracy, California on Friday, September 11 to promote peace and harmony.
More than 800 people from diverse backgrounds attended this unique event. Prior to his discourse there were hymns recited which spread the fragrance of love. Speeches and poetry also added flavor to the evening. People of all faiths and cultures were present and Babaji talked about the only religion in the world - the Religion of Humanity.
He said that before being a member of a particular faith, culture or society we all are human beings and all distinctions should come later. To live a peaceful life one has to be full of love, compassion, tolerance, broadmindedness and rational and this has been the teaching of saints and sages. In the end he said that limited choice that we have is between non-violence and non-existence.
We must choose he path of non-violence. As said by Mahatma Gandhi one needs to realize that there is no way to peace but peace itself is the way. Finally he quoted Martin Luther King Jr - "Stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."
It was a powerful message and applauded by one and all in the audience.
Some special guests attended the congregation that included Mayor of Tracy Brent H. Ives, Interfaith community members and Ahmadiyya community members. After the discourse, Nirankari Babaji met one and all personally and blessed them.
Some special guests attended the congregation that included Mayor of Tracy Brent H. Ives, Interfaith community members and Ahmadiyya community members. After the discourse, Nirankari Babaji met one and all personally and blessed them.
Volunteers of the mission served community dinner (Langar) to all attendees. One could feel a feeling of love, respect and togetherness in the atmosphere. Nirankari Babaji is on a world salvation tour to spread the message of love and universal brotherhood. He came to San Francisco Bay area on Sept 10 evening and was welcomed by few members of the mission at the airport.
A welcome program was arranged later in the evening at the Tracy Bhavan where hundreds of devotees participated. After Tracy, California he is scheduled to visit Los Angeles, Phoenix, Ann Arbor, New York.
Empowering Yourself Through Spirituality: Nirankari Baba
NORWALK, CA: His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, head of the Sant Nirankari Mission, led a congregation on “Empowering Yourself through Spiritual Connection” Sept. 13 at the Marriott here, organized by the Sant Nirankari Mission USA West Coast branch. Its objective is to establish universal brotherhood among people from diverse backgrounds throughout the world.
Babaji’s secretary, Kavita Bekal, of Delhi, who is accompanying him on his one-and-half-month world Sant Nirankari Samagam tour, told India-West that the spiritual master, around 55 now, took the reins of this mission in 1980 at a very young age. His wife, whom devotees address as Pujya Mataji, “is revered and totally involved as well.”
The Mission has more than 2000 branches all over the world and “he has transformed the lives of millions of people,” Bekal said. Local weekly congregations are held in Corona. “Babaji hardly sleeps for about four hours only and is dedicated to spreading his message.”
Dr. Iqbaljit Rai, president of the U.S. branch of the Mission, told the gathering, “There is a lot of togetherness here. People all over the world are scrambling to find a solution to the unrest they have in their minds and all around. Harmony is the solution and our destination. Knowing God and self-realization is the journey towards it and let us all travel together to go there.”
Many learned saints from different centers had come to share and preach and, as coordinator and emcee Atul Batra said, the Mission was very happy to introduce so many dedicated people to the over 1000 devotees who had come to listen and get blessings from Babaji.
Ishwarji from Japan said we need to get salvation while we are alive to make our life meaningful. Norma Lee from the Family Federation for World Peace spoke of how happy she was to be connected, and ‘sangha’ ‘seva’ and ‘simran’ had changed her life.
The devotees sat with an open heart and open mind as Babaji gave his sermon. His eloquent words filled the hall: “All the truths are already in the scriptures, we are just revising them. The irony of life is that we cannot walk properly on this planet but boast about walking on the moon. We need to live with the basic values of love, humanity and compassion.”
He said it is “very important to be aware of the influences around us and not yield to the bad ones. Just adapt to the good ones and get rid of the vices. Let our vices die before us so we do not carry that burden with us. We need to work harder to break the man-made barriers.”
Babaji, who is visiting the U.S. after a gap of three years, said that even as this congregation comes to an end, it is “vidai” (goodbye) not “judai” (breaking up).
“Spirituality is incorporated in religion,” he told India-West. “A religious person should be spiritual as well. However, today, religion is only associated with rituals and ceremonies, so we have to emphasize on spirituality and spread it because it is very necessary and very universal.”
Songs were also sung on the occasion, including young kids associated with SNM-Los Angeles who sang “Tum se kya maangoo, Tum khud samajh lo,” and “We are the world.”
Cerritos Commissioner Pat Patnaik presented Babaji with a Certificate of Recognition, while Congresswoman Linda Sanchez sent a certificate and kind words on her behalf. Babji’s sister Mohinee Ahuja offered thanks to God for our health, intelligence and family.
Lunch was provided by Delhi Palace, who also sponsored the congregation along with many others.
Babaji will next be traveling for to Michigan for the Samagam and then on to New York.
Dr. Iqbaljit Rai, president of the U.S. branch of the Mission, told the gathering, “There is a lot of togetherness here. People all over the world are scrambling to find a solution to the unrest they have in their minds and all around. Harmony is the solution and our destination. Knowing God and self-realization is the journey towards it and let us all travel together to go there.”
Many learned saints from different centers had come to share and preach and, as coordinator and emcee Atul Batra said, the Mission was very happy to introduce so many dedicated people to the over 1000 devotees who had come to listen and get blessings from Babaji.
Ishwarji from Japan said we need to get salvation while we are alive to make our life meaningful. Norma Lee from the Family Federation for World Peace spoke of how happy she was to be connected, and ‘sangha’ ‘seva’ and ‘simran’ had changed her life.
The devotees sat with an open heart and open mind as Babaji gave his sermon. His eloquent words filled the hall: “All the truths are already in the scriptures, we are just revising them. The irony of life is that we cannot walk properly on this planet but boast about walking on the moon. We need to live with the basic values of love, humanity and compassion.”
He said it is “very important to be aware of the influences around us and not yield to the bad ones. Just adapt to the good ones and get rid of the vices. Let our vices die before us so we do not carry that burden with us. We need to work harder to break the man-made barriers.”
Babaji, who is visiting the U.S. after a gap of three years, said that even as this congregation comes to an end, it is “vidai” (goodbye) not “judai” (breaking up).
“Spirituality is incorporated in religion,” he told India-West. “A religious person should be spiritual as well. However, today, religion is only associated with rituals and ceremonies, so we have to emphasize on spirituality and spread it because it is very necessary and very universal.”
Songs were also sung on the occasion, including young kids associated with SNM-Los Angeles who sang “Tum se kya maangoo, Tum khud samajh lo,” and “We are the world.”
Cerritos Commissioner Pat Patnaik presented Babaji with a Certificate of Recognition, while Congresswoman Linda Sanchez sent a certificate and kind words on her behalf. Babji’s sister Mohinee Ahuja offered thanks to God for our health, intelligence and family.
Lunch was provided by Delhi Palace, who also sponsored the congregation along with many others.
Babaji will next be traveling for to Michigan for the Samagam and then on to New York.
NORWALK, CA: There was standing room only inside the banquet hall at the Marriott in Norwalk Sunday, September 13. More than a thousand people of all ages and walks of life came together for a conference entitled, "Empowering Yourself Through Spiritual Connection."
The audience was captivated by the motivational thoughts shared through presentations, speeches, and songs. The speakers came from multiple regions of the world including India, England, Canada and different states within America. The essence of all their contributions was to spread peace and love.
The highlight of the conference that stilled people in their seats was the final spiritual sermon given by the Chief Guest, Baba Hardev Singh Ji, a spiritual leader who has transformed the lives of millions.
In his straightforward sermon, Baba Hardev Singh Ji stressed the necessity for harmony. He cautioned that man has learned to walk on the moon but has forgotten the basics of how to walk on the ground with humility and love. In Hindi, Baba quoted a message he has been saying for nearly 20 years, "Kuch Bhi Bano Mubarak Hai, Par Pehle Insaan Bano."
He said when you write the number 100, if you remove 1 then you are only left with zero. Similarly if you remove humanity from your life then you cannot be considered a success at anything else.
He said when you write the number 100, if you remove 1 then you are only left with zero. Similarly if you remove humanity from your life then you cannot be considered a success at anything else.
He asked the audience, if love is necessary only for one race or one religion? No, it is important for every human being. He stressed that his message is a universal one that has been carried through generations but vices like pride and jealousy brought man to the point that they hung a prophet on the cross who was only showing the right way of living.
He encouraged the audience not to adopt vices while living in this world but to embrace virtues like love, tolerance, compassion, humility and broad-mindedness. He said to separate yourself from that which separates you from loving others.
He said that when a fire spreads, there becomes a greater need for water. Similarly, as more hatred spreads in the world there becomes a greater requirement for love.
At the conclusion of the conference, people lined up for several hours to get blessings from Baba Hardev Singh.
At the conclusion of the conference, people lined up for several hours to get blessings from Baba Hardev Singh.
The conference was organized by the southern California branch of the Sant Nirankari Mission. The Mission has more than 2,000 centers worldwide with its world Head Quarters in Delhi, India. Local weekly congregations are held in Corona.
Picture Coverage for Baba ji Samagam:
Tracy Samagam 2007
Tracy Samagam 2009
L. A. Samagam 2009
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